Additional Information
Field of Vision: 100 x 59.5mm
Light Shade: DIN4
Dark Shade: DIN5-9 / 9-13
Light – Dark Switching: 1/10 000sec
Dark – Light Switching: 0.1 – 0.8sec
Power On/Off: Fully Automatic
Power Supply: Li-Battery & Solar
Operating Temp: -20ºC to 65ºC
UVB Protection Grade: DIN16
Optical Class: 1/1/1/2
Arc Sensor: 4
Nett Weight: 500g…
Adjustable weld/cut/grind mode settings
9 – 13 shade for ARC/MIG/TIG welding, 5 – 9 shade for plasma cutting, 4 shade for grinding
No need to raise and lower helmet during usage
Lightweight and comfortable with a weight of 500g
1/10 000 second light to dark response time
4x light sensors provide more accurate shading
Powered by solar and 2x 3V Li-batteries with low power warning light (Batteries included)